Why You Should Migrate from XAMPP to Laragon?

By Satriyo Rizkyansah

As a web developer, using tools like XAMPP for local development and testing of web applications is common. However, as your projects grow more complex, you might find XAMPP's limitations starting to hold you back. That's where Laragon comes in—a lightweight, fast, and powerful alternative that can significantly enhance your workflow. In this article, we'll explore the key reasons to migrate from XAMPP to Laragon and provide a step-by-step guide to help you make the switch.

Advantages of Laragon Over XAMPP

1. Performance

Laragon is optimized for speed, ensuring faster startup times and better overall performance compared to XAMPP. This can be especially beneficial for developers working on larger projects or multiple projects simultaneously.

2. Ease of Use

Laragon offers a more intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easier to manage your development environment. With its one-click installation of software like Apache, MySQL, and PHP, Laragon simplifies the setup process.

3. Modularity

Laragon allows you to add and remove components easily, such as different versions of PHP or MySQL. This modularity provides flexibility in managing your development stack according to the needs of your projects.

4. Portability

Laragon is designed to be portable, meaning you can easily move your entire development environment from one machine to another without the need to reconfigure everything. This is a significant advantage for developers who work across multiple devices.

5. Built-in Tools

Laragon comes with several built-in tools like Node.js, Composer, Git, and more, providing a comprehensive development environment out of the box.

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