Hello there👋, i'am Satriyo Rizkyansah

Student, Full Stack Dev

Tech Stack
Satriyo Rizkyansah

About & Contact

I am a seasoned full-stack web developer with a strong focus on building dynamic, user-friendly web applications. I specialize in both front-end and back-end development, utilizing frameworks like Laravel, Bootstrap, and Tailwind CSS to create seamless.

Currently, I work as a freelancer, handling projects that range from developing and maintaining complex databases to implementing effective and efficient code. I am passionate about delivering high-quality solutions that enhance user experiences and drive engagement.

You can connect with me anytime you want. I look forward to hearing from you!

Education & Work experience

2023 - Present

Freelance Web Developer

  • Collaborated with a diverse range of clients, delivering custom web development solutions.
  • Developed and maintained strong client relationships through effective communication and project management.
  • Utilized tools such as Notion for project tracking, Tailwind CSS for responsive design, Laravel for backend development, and GitHub for version control and project sharing.

2022 - Present

Bachelor's degree in Sistem Informasi

Universitas Pamulang


Latest writing

I enjoy sharing my thoughts and experiences as a web developer through writing. On my blog, you'll find insights into the latest trends in web development, tips for using Laravel and Tailwind CSS effectively, and reflections on the challenges and successes I encounter in my projects.

Why You Should Migrate from XAMPP to Laragon?

As a web developer, using tools like XAMPP for local development and testing of web applications is common.

How to Build Your Own Mechanical Keyboard

Building your own mechanical keyboard is a rewarding project for any tech enthusiast.